A SIMPLE Flag Raising ceremony following our Sport’s Day last Tuesday afternoon in Bellurgan National School captured the essence of what the schools green flag programme entails.
The raising of our school’s second Green Flag was the culmination of hard work over the previous two school years and there was a great sense of pride among the staff and enjoyment on the faces of the pupils as the flag was hoisted skywards by retiring Deputy Principal, Mrs Helen Muckian and pupils, Mia Hanlon and Daniel Feely.
Education and achievement wrapped up in one project makes the An Taisce Green Flag scheme so successful, with the children learning about their environment, natural and built.
This was our second Green Flag and it was focused on the theme of Energy. We received their first Green Flag for Litter and Waste back in May 2011.
I would like to outline efforts of the Green School Committee led by Green Schools co-coordinator and teacher in our school Miss Aine Byrne. I would also like to thank the parents and staff for their support and also Mary Murtagh and Clare O’Hagan from Louth County Council for their help and guidance.
Further work will now start in relation to the Green-Schools programme on the theme of Water at the start of the next school year.
Green Flag Ceremony