• Christmas Cake Sale

    We had a very successful Cake Sale on Tuesday 13th December 2016. Our senior pupils did us proud with the effort they put in, organising their stalls and helping to sell the delicious food that was on display. A total profit of E1028.55 was made on the day, which was just amazing. The standard in Continue Reading

  • Someone Like Me Competition

    On Monday 12th December five 5th class pupils travelled to Farmleigh house in Dublin with Ms Byrne. They were invited to attend the presentation of awards from the ‘Someone like me’ art competition sponsored by the Department for Justice and Equality. The pupils from Bellurgan won the Louth senior category and were presented with their Continue Reading

  • Death Of Bishop Clifford

    The Bellurgan National School Community is saddened to hear of the passing of Bishop Gerard Clifford. A native of our Parish, he was educated at Bellurgan National School in the 1940s and early 1950s. Over his years as Bishop he regularly returned to Celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation in the Parish, never forgetting his roots. Continue Reading
